2STLGBQ+ Talk Resources


TransLifeline | 877-330-6366 | They only have a phone line, which is also a SafeHotline, meaning they do not call emergency services without someone’s consent.

The Trevor Project | thetrevorproject.org | For ages 13-24. They have a text line, call line, or online community people can join.

YouthSpace | youthspace.ca | For anyone under 30. They have a text line or online messaging system.

LGBT National Health Centre | lgbthotline.org | They have multiple call lines and a youth-specific moderated chat room. They have lines for general calls, seniors, and youth, and a specific one for coming out. The lines are all different numbers, so it is best to check the website for the specific line numbers.

Klinic Crisis Line | 204-786-8631 | Toll free: 1-888-322-3019 | Klinic operates various crisis phone lines offering free and confidential counselling, support, and referrals.


Amanda Trelford | Counselling | Home Counselling and Wellness | homecounsellingandwellness.ca/amanda | Amanda was the counselor for SERC’s counselling program, which is no longer funded. Amanda has moved to a private practice, so folks can still access her, but it would be paid out of pocket.

Delsie Martin | Counselling | The Wellness Clinic | wellnessclinicbrandon.ca/counselling | Almost all insurance companies cover her.

Sara Haynes | Counselling | Emerging Hope | emerging hopecounseling.com | She is covered by Blue Cross or Sunlife insurance.

Trans Peer Support and Social Group | Contact Marshall at marshallm@serc.mb.ca or 204-727-0417 | An evening for trans people and those under the trans umbrella to get together and connect! Free and open to all ages.

2STLGBQ+ Get Together | contact Marshall at marshallm@serc.mb.ca or 204-727-0417 for upcoming dates | An evening for 2STLGBQ+ people of all ages to get together and connect! Free.

Huddle | Counselling and Resource Support | 204-717-6565 | huddlemanitoba.ca | Resources and counseling for young people aged 12-29.


Rainbow Resource Centre Counselling Services | 204-474-0212 | rainbowresourcecentre.org/programs/counselling | Free short-term counselling and single sessions to 2SLGBTQ+ individuals.

Our Own Health Centre | Mental Health Counselling | 204-691-1600 | ourownhealth.ca/services | OOHC has a qualified mental health counsellor who will see patients who are referred by an OOHC doctor. Options available for patients without insurance.

Huddle | Counselling and Resource Support | huddlemanitoba.ca/find-a-location | Resources and counseling for young people aged 12-29 with locations throughout Winnipeg.

Klinic Drop-In Counselling | 204-784-4090 | klinic.mb.ca/in-person-counselling/klinic-drop-in-counselling/ | Free counselling offered on a first-come, first-served basis.