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Our Beginning 

SERC’s origins go as far back as the suffragist movement, when the Winnipeg Birth Control Society was founded in 1934 by three visionary women: Mary Speechly, Olive Patton, and Margaret Hillsman. In 1952, we became the Family Planning Association of Winnipeg, in 1966 the Family Planning Association of Manitoba. Eventually we became Planned Parenthood Manitoba, Inc. in 1976.

Alongside its sister organization in Winnipeg, Planned Parenthood Brandon was established in 1976, followed a year later by a branch in nearby Portage la Prairie. During the period between 1977–1982, Planned Parenthood split and reformed several times, finally amalgamating in 1988 as a provincial agency with 2 offices; 1 in Winnipeg and 1 in Brandon. Planned Parenthood Manitoba was renamed SERC – Sexuality Education Resource Centre Manitoba, Inc. in 1997.


SERC Timeline


2019 – SERC celebrates 85 years!

2018 – White Wolf Speaking program moves to Ka Ni Kanichihk

2017 – SERC Training Institute is launched; Teen Talk joins SERC

2005 – Aboriginal Community Initiatives program is named White Wolf Speaking in pipe ceremony

2004 – SERC’s first online resource website goes live

1998 – SERC informs new provincial sexuality education curriculum

1997 – PPM renamed Sexuality Education Resource Centre MB, Inc. (SERC)

1988 – Canada’s abortion law ruled unconstitutional; abortions access becomes less restricted

1987 – PPM begins working with newcomer communities

1976 – FPAM renamed Planned Parenthood Manitoba (PPM); Brandon office opens

1969 – Birth control becomes legal in Canada

1966 – Winnipeg Birth Control Society renamed Family Planning Association of Manitoba (FPAM)

1961 – Condoms in drugstores, but still hidden behind the counter

1960 – Birth control pill available, but illegal

1934 – Winnipeg Birth Control Society established

1892 – Federal laws pass making it illegal to sell birth control in Canada

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