SERC’s Mission and Vision
Promoting sexual health through education.
A diverse society that celebrates sexuality throughout life.
Core Values
SERC works in collaboration with a wide range of communities by actively listening and learning from the communities in which we work; acknowledging their strength and wisdom and working towards collective goals.
SERC recognizes that structural oppression exists in many forms, including in our organization’s past, and that those structures create barriers, harm, and violence. We will employ an anti-oppression approach in our work and relationships. In doing so we will prioritize equity, accessibility, and decolonization.
We value ongoing learning. As an organization, we will be committed to our own continued learning. We will promote equitable access to comprehensive sexual health education in the community and support the community’s capacity to share information more widely. We will honour community knowledge and multiple ways of knowing.
We have a role in advancing human rights as they relate to sexual and reproductive health in Canada. We recognize the need to amplify the voices, goals, and needs of communities disproportionately affected by systemic and structural barriers. This means we will call for bold and revolutionary actions in pursuit of the rights, access, and choice of the community.
SERC is committed to the removal of barriers to authentic self-expression and access to choice in all matters related to sexual and reproductive health, including abortion. Guided by harm reduction principles and our stance as a Pro-Choice organization, we are committed to respectful and judgment-free safer spaces and equitable access to fact-based information for informed choices.
Current Strategic Priorities
Strengthen SERC’s capacity to offer responsive, community-based sexuality and reproductive health education and resources.
Strengthen and increase SERC’s contribution to equity promotion across programs and services, community building and partnership activities, and internally within SERC.
Strengthen SERC’s organizational capacity, visibility, and reach.