Help us “wrap up” 2024!

Sometimes, humor makes uncomfortable subjects easier to discuss. That’s why we’re wrapping up 2024 with some fun. This month, we’re relaunching a campaign called #WrapItUpManitoba, where every donation will help us roll a condom down a banana and “wrap it up!”    2024 marked SERC’s 90th anniversary, so our goal is to raise 90 donations by… Read More

Repost: Countering Misinformation: Why Comprehensive Sexuality Education and 2STLGBQ+ Inclusion Are Imperative to Protecting Children 

A Topic of Contention Sexual health education has a history of being contested, debated, and questioned, which continues to happen today. On September 20, 1 Million March 4 Children organized protests in cities across Canada, including Winnipeg, Brandon, Winkler, Steinbach, and Dauphin. These protests advocated against 2STLGBQ+ inclusion, or “gender ideology,” and advocated for “parental… Read More

NEW: Ongoing Learning Hub

Support for Service Providers in Manitoba: Learning is Ongoing The Sexuality Education Resource Centre MB (SERC) Training Institute knows that professional development on sexual and reproductive health topics is never a one-and-done checklist. To build a community, relationships, confidence, and a healthier Manitoba- learning is Ongoing. The Ongoing Learning Hub replaces our Training Institute; we offer… Read More

“Wrap up” 2023 by donating today!

Sometimes, humor makes uncomfortable subjects easier to talk about. That’s why we’re wrapping up 2023 with some fun. We’re launching a campaign this month called #WrapItUpManitoba, where every donation made will help us roll a condom down a banana, and “wrap it up”!  Throughout December, we’ll post updates on how much money we’ve raised and… Read More

Call for Testimonials

Have you participated in SERC’s community programming? Are you a service provider who has taken SERC’s sessions? Has sex ed had a positive impact on your life? Have you witnessed the benefits of comprehensive sexuality education in your community? We are seeking people who would like to provide a testimonial for an upcoming video campaign,… Read More

2STLGBQ+ Talk Resources

Helplines: TransLifeline | 877-330-6366 | They only have a phone line, which is also a SafeHotline, meaning they do not call emergency services without someone’s consent. The Trevor Project | | For ages 13-24. They have a text line, call line, or online community people can join. YouthSpace | | For anyone under… Read More

2022-23 AGM featuring guest speaker, Adrienne Huard

Join us on Wednesday, June 14 from 5:30-6:30 pm CDT for our Annual General Meeting. We will review the 2022-23 fiscal year. This year’s AGM will feature a presentation from guest speaker Adrienne Huard. Adrienne Huard (they/them) is a Two-Spirit Anishinaabe curator, writer, Sundancer, scholar, and performer. They are a registered member of Couchiching First… Read More

Gillian Roy takes on new role as Co-Executive Director of SERC

SERC’s board of directors is excited to announce that Gillian Roy will be stepping into the role of Co-Executive Director of SERC, effective May 1, 2023. Gillian will join established Co-ED Leigh Anne Caron in our co-leadership structure. The board made a conscious decision to move toward a co-leadership model in 2021, and we stand by our… Read More

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