Queering the Compass: Pathways to 2S/LGBTQIA+ Sexual and Reproductive Health- Virtual Session

Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Location: Virtual- Zoom

Grey text over a white background, with part of a picture of a rainbow crosswalk showing from underneath. Queering the Compass: Pathways to 2S/LGBTQIA+ Sexual and Reproductive Health Workshop for healthcare workers and service providers Virtual session- Zoom Wednesday, March 20, 9 am - 4 pm CDT Scan to register: (QR code) SERC logo- 90 years, 1934-2024 CBRC logo Health Canada logo












Queering the Compass is a project that aims to promote sexual and reproductive health within 2S/LGBTQIA+ communities and improve the capacity of the healthcare workers and service providers who work with them. This training will address gaps in healthcare services and help empower healthcare professionals in providing inclusive care.

This is a virtual session- Zoom links will be available after registration

The training will cover three module topics:

Queerly Growing Older: An Exploration of Senior Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare
This module takes a critical look at the care currently being experienced by 2S/LGBTQIA+ seniors and provides participants with opportunities to critically reflect on these unique realities as they develop new perspectives and advance their care approaches.

Abortion is Queer Reproductive Justice
This module engages participants to learn ways to “queer up” abortion care in their practices and have actionable steps of how to be advocates or providers of queer-affirming abortion care.

Fat Liberation is Queer Reproductive Justice
This module explores the connections between fat liberation, reproductive justice, and 2S/LGBTQIA+ sexual and reproductive health, offering opportunities for critical reflection and collective skills-building towards weight-neutral approaches to 2S/LGBTQIA+ sexual and reproductive care.


Scan QR code or click to register.