Policy and Advocacy Committee

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The Policy and Advocacy Committee (PAC) at SERC includes staff, community, and board members who meet throughout the year to recommend proactive positions and actions on matters of public policy, current issues, and events that affect the health and well-being of the diverse communities and clientele SERC serves. PAC develops position statements that further SERC’s Mission, Vision, and Belief statements and within these recommends specific actions, interventions and communications related to topics prioritized by staff, community, and the board of directions.

Current Position Statements:

Statement on Reconciliation

Statement on Female Genital Cutting

Statement on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Children & Youth

Statement on Sexual Exploitation

New Position Statements under development:

  • Cultural Humility and Cultural Safety
  • Trauma-Informed Care

Have a suggestion for a position statement you think SERC should consider?

Please contact us at info@serc.mb.ca  Your suggestion will be reviewed by the committee.


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