SERC is committed to applying sex-positive principles to the work that we do. Sex positivity is an important ideology that acknowledges and affirms each person’s right to experience and define their sexuality throughout their lifetime in whatever way they choose. Grounded in comprehensive sexuality and sexual health education, sex positivity is inclusive and respectful of a wide range of sexual experiences, expressions, consensual activities (including non-activity), and identities (including asexuality). A sex-positive approach realizes the potential life-enhancing aspects of human sexuality. It presents sexuality as something that can be valued and celebrated, thereby giving people permission to consider their own sexuality.
It is important to note that sex positivity is not sex promotion. The movement does not dictate that everyone must enjoy or be interested in sex. Further, sex positivity does not place moral judgments on whether people are interested in or enjoy sex. Rather, sex positivity allows space for people to consider their sexuality, and encourages discussion about a wide range of sexuality-related topics.
At its core, sex positivity is complex, and SERC acknowledges that a person’s relationship with their sexuality and experiences may be complicated. It is impossible to ignore power dynamics and intersectionality when discussing sex positivity. There are many barriers to applying a sex-positive framework, including but not limited to sexism, sexual violence, taboos, stigma, racism and colonization, heteronormativity and homophobia, ableism, ageism, etc. It is essential to include this critical analysis when practicing and discussing sex positivity.