Teen Talk is seeking youth to join the Peer Education program! If you are:
- 14 -18 years old
- Available for all or most of the training times
- Interested in learning more about topics like sexuality, sexual health, communication, relationships, mental health, and more; and willing to share what you learn with your peers. You are welcome to join~ Please email peersupport@teentalk.ca or text 204-223-0227 with your age and the best way to contact you so they can sign you up.
The training will be on Tuesday evenings, October 1- December 10, 6-9pm at Sexuality Education Resource Centre, 200-226 Osborne Street North (Just north of Broadway on Osborne Street, NOT in Osborne Village). Our office is number 200 on the second floor.
There will be free snacks, bus tokens and a training manual to keep.