Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility

March 31 marks the International Transgender Day of Visibility. This is a day to celebrate and honour the power, courage, and resilience of the transgender and gender non-conforming community worldwide.

Social Media Campaign

In honour of Transgender Day of Visibility, SERC has published a series of personal stories, quotes, photographs, and music from members of the trans community on our social media platforms. It is especially important today that we center the voices of trans and gender diverse individuals, which is why we have chosen to highlight personal accounts of joy and success. We are so thankful for contributions from Janet Braun, Dr. Anastasia Gibson, Bobby Dove, and Shandi Strong.

The campaign can be viewed on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Dr. Anastasia Gibson and Shandi Strong were also featured in a Brandon Sun article highlighting the social media campaign, and the importance of Trans Day of Visibility.

Additional Resources & Reading:

GLSEN – Transgender Day of Visibility

What is Trans History?

Trans Student Education Resources – Definitions

GLAAD – Tips for Allies of Transgender People

Trans Lifeline Canada

The Trevor Project

Schuyler Bailar – Trans Day of Visibility 2022