In 2009, SERC launched the award-winning Our Selves, Our Daughters project, an initiative that provides space and resources for newcomer women affected by female genital cutting (FGC) working for change within their communities. Experiential community leaders are at the forefront of this project, providing health education and social support to women and other community members in the vision of ending the practice. The project also provides training for health and social service providers to improve their ability to provide culturally competent care for FGC-affected women.
Workshop series are offered for women from three national groups, a multicultural (or multinational) group, and young women from 18 to 25 years old. These sessions are meant to examine the ways cultural and family worldviews influence sexuality (including FGC) and relationships and the ways in which social and cultural changes, including migration, affect change of views and practice of FGC and sexuality in general. Workshop sessions are also offered to young men ages 18 to 25, engaging them in conversations around sexuality, culture, and FGC.
SERC also offers workshops and presentations to health and social service providers, with the intention of raising awareness on women’s health issues and access to health care services, training workshops on FGC, notions of cultural competence, and safety and care to women from FGC-affected countries.
Click here to watch Promising Practices – a video about the OSOD program made by Pathways to Prosperity Canada.
Click here for more details on goals, activities and outcomes for Our Selves, Our Daughters.
Our Selves, Our Daughters: Tools for Change – Resources for African Newcomer Communities to Help Prevent Female Genital Cutting – April 2014
This report describes the development of a resource on FGC with two local communities. We also present the outcomes of the “launches” of these booklets in the communities.
Download Tools for Change
Our Selves, Our Daughters: Community-Based Education and Engagement Addressing Female Genital Cutting (FGC) with Refugee and Immigrant African Women in Winnipeg – 2013-2014: Activities and Evaluation Report
Download the Activities and Evaluation Report
Our Selves, Our Daughters: Community Mobilization to Support Community-Led Change for and with Newcomer Women, December 2013
This report provides a description of activities and evaluation findings from a series of events involving adults and youth from a specific newcomer community on mobilization around changes to the practice of FGC.
Download this report.
These reports present the wisdom of FGC-experiencing communities based in Winnipeg.
Talking Together About Change Community 1
Talking Together About Change Community 2 –
Talking Together About Change Community 3