Sometimes, humor makes uncomfortable subjects easier to discuss. That’s why we’re wrapping up 2024 with some fun. This month, we’re relaunching a campaign called #WrapItUpManitoba, where every donation will help us roll a condom down a banana and “wrap it up!”
2024 marked SERC’s 90th anniversary, so our goal is to raise 90 donations by the end of the year! Throughout December, we’ll post updates on how many gifts we’ve received and how far down we’ve rolled the condom in hopes that we reach our goal of 90 gifts by 2025. Every donation counts; a $5 donation rolls the condom down the banana just as much as a $500 donation!
Safety is sexy. Donating to SERC is sexy, too.
So, if you’re planning on getting warm and cozy this holiday season, be sure to #WrapItUpManitoba! And we don’t just mean wrapping up your “present;” we also mean wrapping up 2024 and 90 years of sexuality education in Manitoba with a year-end donation to SERC.
Please give. Your donation is vitally important to SERC’s work. And it is vitally important to rolling the condom down this banana.
Make a donation today.